We can care for 12 toddling squirrels at any one time on a ratio of one member of staff to four.
As with the babies you will be met by your child's key person who will talk through their routines with you, do not worry at this stage if your child still needs to sleep or hasn't shown any signs of potty training – very few have!
They will be given quiet time after lunch to settle down with stories or cuddles and those that are in for a full day and feel the need to snooze will be able to lie down on one of our little beds and crack on with building up some energy for the afternoon ahead!

The toddlers have access to a garden area right outside their door and can often be found heading out to the park or playing in the bigger garden whilst the preschoolers are off on adventures elsewhere. We take them out to feed the ducks, run in the park or clamber in the woods.
We use a safe and secure online system called Tapestry where we can upload photos and details of the day. Very similar to a learning journey this outlines what they have been up to and how they are developing – tiny steps or giants strides. You will be given a secure login and password so you can take a look during the day or enjoy the days fun in the peace and quiet when (hopefully) everybody is in bed.