Welcome to Flying Start Nursery and Pre-school. We are a family owned nursery (the only nursery we own) in the heart of Fairford. We have had the nursery now for twelve of its fifteen years and in that time the nursery has gone from strength to strength.
From our recent Ofsted report:
Children confidently arrive at the nursery and are eager to begin their day. They
greet the kind and nurturing staff with a smile and a cuddle. This demonstrates
that they feel safe and secure. Children benefit from a broad curriculum. Staff
know children's personalities and carefully consider children's individual interests
and learning needs when planning activities. Children are curious and eager to
explore the wide range of activities on offer. Babies share warm interactions with
staff, who provide them with lots of praise and encouragement. They listen to staff
singing songs and rhymes. Babies move their bodies and anticipate the next words.
For example, they excitedly clap their hands and join in with the words 'bubble,
To read more click here

We are extremely proud of Flying Start and the people who work in it. Our emphasis is on providing an environment where children can grow and develop, one that is comfortable and welcoming. We're not a school, we're a home from home. We aim to provide extremely high quality and professional care and education whilst ensuring that your child's time with us is one of happiness, contentment and that they want to spend time with us every time they come in the door.

Flying Start is truly at the heart of Fairford in every sense. Being in the middle of town means we have instant access to and make weekly visits to the Wednesday market, the library, the duck pond, the park and we even spend time in the local residential home. We are also lucky to have access to one of the best Forest Schools around at the Ernest Cook Trust.
We hope to see you at Flying Start!
Clive and Catherine Elliott